Where do we begin?


More than staring at an empty page, what I dread the most is writing a first post. This is where my dream keeps taking a turn. I have wanted to start my blog again for who knows how many years, and every time that I get excited about writing again and digging deep, I flee. You know, when faced with something scary we usually lean in or flee… It’s the natural fight or flight we all face but fleeing feels more my style…and when I do, I take a long flight and it takes me quite some time before ever coming back around.


So today I decided that I would buckle down and write a first damn post. I have had so much anxiety about what it will say, what it would do to set the tone for my blog, and then I spiral into taking this shit too serious and getting lost in the details and never-ending and stale what if’s.


So, here’s my first blog post. It’s about carrying on. It’s about doing it even WHEN you are scared. As much as I love writing, there’s nothing that scares me more than to write something people can’t connect to. It becomes hard to do because sometimes it’s ingrained in me to do it perfectly. And perfection feeds inaction. Inactiveness has gotten me heavy again yet starving . So here I am. This is the first one of some (I can’t promise many) but first one, regardless.


I remember why I started UpLift and the truth is that it’s not to wait for the perfect moment where my mental health will be stable, because I’m not waiting to be above ground to help pull someone else out of their hole under me, but rather it’s the lifting that I’m going for, so I must walk the talk. When we are under (blue, depressed etc…) we lift each other to rise above. Someone perhaps will do the same for you; almost always guaranteed. So here we are. Hope you stick around… hope you visit my shop if you have someone to UpLift today.

Here’s to more action whether it’s fueled by wanting to change or hitting a wall. They’re often the same in this scenario. Having purpose should be a necessity for all. I need purpose that feels familiar as much as it is uncomfortable.

Here’s to moving forward even when moving means crawling.

We may lose speed but forward and through is the only way.

Here’s to many more awkward posts. I’m not promising many. but here’s to some.
